What are we looking for?
Scared of Television are looking for fresh new music videos, yet to be released into the world that fit into one or more of the following categories:
Creative concepts.
Interesting narratives.
Spectacular visuals.
Low-budget masterpieces.
DIY ethoses.
Independent productions.
Industry breaking attitudes.
First time projects.
What to expect when submitting
When you are submitting your video, here's what you can expect.
You complete the submission form including a link to your video.
We will review your submission and respond within ten working days to let you know whether we can showcase your video or not.
If your video is selected, we will send you a confirmation email, this will include a timeline of your videos release on the platform which we will create using the release date and earliest showcase date you will have given us in the submission form. We will also ask for a download link and if required, we may also need to check any permissions for the video.
The timeline can vary and we are always open to working with you to find a timeline that works, but as an example, we will showcase the video either prior to the songs release or in line with it for up to four weeks.
Once we've agreed the timeline, your video will be posted exclusively to ‘Scared to Television’ with a minimum of three social posts directing audiences to the video. The video description will include all relevant links to the artist and filmmaker as supplied in the submission form. Whilst the video is hosted on our platform, we request there are no other instances of the video available to view publicly online.
At the end of the video's run, it will be removed from ‘Scared of Television’ and handed back to the artist or filmmaker for them to share through their own channels.
Once the video has premiered on the artist's channel. It will be added to the relevant ‘Scared of Television’ genre specific playlists directing viewers straight to the host channel.
Over time the playlists will be periodically promoted through the ‘Scared of Television’ network.